Heyya friends !!!!!
It has been a very creative and inspirational month for me after a long boring slumber.That's because i stumbled upon this book(AMAZING,AWESOME would be an understatement) called An Illustrated Life by Danny Gregory.It features 50 amazing sketchbook artists;some professional,some just for fun artists.The book really is a way to find insight and inspiration for a creative life as the back cover suggests.As soon as I read its reviews on various sites including amazon,flipkart...I immediately made my parents order this book.And it was a perfect gift for my birthday which passed by this month.Anyone who wants to start learning how to infuse that drive which creates creativity to flow through hands should take a look at this book.Its genuinely good.
Hope this video helps ^^^http://vimeo.com/5259158^^^
And one more thing is I have started drawing something and would like you people to have a sneak peek to it: :)
Thank you so much for visiting...Have a nice day:)
Hi How are Sorry I haven't posted any comments lately. Your Drawings are great just like Sincerely Glitter -http://yoursincerelyglitter.blogspot.co.uk/
Really liking your drawings, hope everything is well
- Bright red chapstick
@Bright red chapstick....Thanks for encouragement..!:)..yes i have seen the blog...i am one of the followers..Thanks..:)
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